About Course
The bachelor’s degree program in social work offers training at the generalist level of social work practice. There are two fundamental goals that guide the Social Work Program:
* To prepare students for employment as generalist social workers through education in a professional foundation curriculum and selected liberal arts education course work and
* To prepare students for advanced education, as well as to enlighten students with responsible citizenship in the areas of service and research.
The Green Sheet describes the requirements for the Social Work major. You may access it via this link, or pick it up at the Social Work Office located in Old Main 239, or ask any of the Social Work faculty members. For the most up-to-date information, always refer to the Green Sheet as well as BSW Handbook.
Once you declare Social Work as your major, keep the green sheet. The requirements of the program as of the date that you declare the major are your requirements. The requirements can change, but they do not change for you. You are responsible only for the requirements on the green sheet when you entered the program, unless you prefer to be governed by new guidelines that may arise in the future.
Course Benefit / Advantages
Advantages or Benefits of Bachelor of Social Work Degree
* The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree provides individuals with the qualification needed to get employed with numerous Human Service Providing Agencies.
* Upon the completion of the BSW course, individuals can go for advanced studies, namely the Masters Degree in Social Work program (MSW).
10 Benefits of Student Participation in Undergraduate Social Work Research
1. Relationships With Faculty
2. Organizational Skills
3. Learn the Research Process
4. Learn Interview Skills
5. Cultural Competence
6. Letters of Reference
7. Potential To Get Published
8. Conferences
9. Resume
10. Potential To Earn Money
Opportunities - Field of Employement
What to do after BSW?
Social work is best suited for a person who likes to take care of others and shoulder responsibilities against the cruelty shown towards animals or people. A career in the field of social work will provide individuals with an opportunity to help people who have troubles of many kinds. This will include social, educational, domestic or other factors.
When one completes the Bachelors level course in Social Work, they can apply for jobs immediately or go for higher education. As a result of competition between jobs, it will be of great help for individuals if they have a Masters degree in Social Work.
Social workers can be generally as per as the work they do each day. They can be broadly categorized into three types. They comprise of:
Child, Family And School Social Workers
Medical And Public Health Workers (This Includes Animals And Property)
Mental Health And Substance Abuse Social Workers
Other types of social workers consist of people, who are involved in planning and policy making, administration etc.
Job and Career options for BSW
Employment opportunities are available for social workers within firms of the private as well as public sectors. Some job areas that social workers can choose comprise of counselors in:
Community Policing
Environmental Protection
Employment Areas
Correction Cells
Counseling Centers
Disaster Management Department
Education Sector
Gender Issues Associations or Groups
Health Industry
HR Department of Industries
Human Rights Agencies
Mental Hospitals
Natural Resources Management Companies
Old Age Homes
Job Types
Criminology Specialists
Executive Officer
Labor Welfare Specialists
Probation Officer
Social Security Officer
Social Worker
Trainee Officer