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S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College, Tuticorin

College Name S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College
College Category Arts & Science
Affiliated University Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
College Type Co-Education
Institution Type Self Finance
Address S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College
Pin Code
Location Tuticorin
District Tuticorin
Courses Offered in S.S. Duraisamy Nadar Maariammal College

Under Graduate

» B.Sc. - Physics
» B.Com. - (Regular)
» B.B.M. - Business Management
» B.A. - English

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Dr.R.Panneerselvam 04th Apr 2020
PROFESSOR Cell: 9442220204

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04.04.2020 Inline image
The Principal

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am happy to inform that I have published a Tamil Literature, “Elimaikkural” through PHI Learning Private Limited.
Description of Book: Since the birth of mankind, people started living i n groups, further they produced their necessary goods on their own. In the process of coexistence, there is a necessity for understanding others and also practicing of give and take policy. Among the relatives, a perfect understanding in terms of helping each other emanated automatically. After the emergence of civilization, people started living in villages and later migrated to towns and cities. Then the formation of countries and continents made people to connect internationally. In this process, their characteristics, living styles and business practices have improved to the current state of modern civilization across the world. There is a necessity to have guidelines for our life and culture, socialization and business organizations. In this respect, this text, “Elimaikkural” is fully developed based on authors 39 years of teaching and research experience, and his global societal observations. This text forms as a guide for the society at large and learning text for students at various levels starting from school to postgraduate level.

Features of this book
• Contains one hundred and forty four (144) headings, each containing 10 simple kurals.
• Total number of elimaikkurals in this text is one thousand four hundred and forty (1440).
• The one hundred and forty four headings are grouped into 10 major headings:”
o Devotion, o Wealth o Education o Relation o Character o Family o Country o Business o Time o Nature

• Full literature is developed with Venba grammar

Audience: Primarily designed for all sections of people, in particular a part of this Tamil literature for school students and in full for under graduate as well as post graduate students of Tamil language and literature will serve as text.

For Orders: Please contact:

Ms.Babita Misra,

Editorial Coordinator,

PHI Learning Private Limited,

Rimjhim House,

111, Patparganj Industrial Estate,

Delhi 110 092.

Email: bm.editorial@phindia. com

Cell: 09313663060
Please search in the website with the key Elimaikkural for details and discounts.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely, (R.Panneerselvam)

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