Introduction of Information Technology as a subject in 6th to 10th Standards

A brief on the press release by the Secretary of the Department of School Education:
A change in the syllabus is envisaged to introduce the subject of Information Technology in the classes from 6th Standard to 10th Standards as a part of the science subjects.
The following guidelines will be adopted in the changed syllabus:
Education for creative learning and not rote learning Keeping the stress on the pleasant aspects and benefits of learning instead of creating tension, fear of failure, etc.
The study of the ancient history and culture of Tamilians and instilling the pride on the arts and literature developed by them. Imparting self-confidence to learn and adopt Science and Technology.
Emphasising that learning does not include only reading the school text books, but reading a wide range of books on other subjects as well
Creation of a series of Mobile Apps to encourage and facilitate e-teaching and e-learning and forming an integrated management platform for this.
Thanks: livechennai